Friday, 1 May 2015

The Fortunettes

This post is way way way overdue...

As you all know (or may not know...), I was casted alongside 6 other talented individuals as one of the main character in my school's play titled THE FORTUNETTES last year. The story was set throughout the mid 60s to late 80s. It revolved around 4 talented young ladies who were in a girl group together, think Dreamgirls but quadruple. It was about how they got discovered, rose to fame, fell in love and how fame lead to the end of their friendship and disbandment of the girl group. It was the story of how 4 best friends ended up going their separate ways but reuniting after years and years apart for one last reunion concert.

I was casted as Judy. The youngest among The Fortunettes and the most demure out of all the other girls. It was tough at first, having to juggle singing, dancing & acting all at the same time. Not to mention having to engage the audience and understanding your character inside out. We had practices from 8am-6pm almost everyday. The cast & crew were like family over the few months we worked together.

I had a blast working together with everyone, especially the director, cast & crew. We had our ups & downs but what's life without it, right? 

Here's a peek of what the play was like :)

photo credits to : Mr Pang & Sean.

We also submitted out play for the 12th Boh Cameronian Arts Awards. 

Proud to announce that we were nominated for 5 titles and awarded 4 titles out of 5. Couldn't have done it without the awesome bunch. 

First and most likely the last play I'll ever be in, I had such a great experience. Very thankful for all the things I've learned & managed to achieve. A big & special thank you to Mr Zac who saw potential in me even tho I really doubt it was much :p 

P.S. For those who are interested to watch, I might upload the full video so stay tuned! Will keep ya'll updated 


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